Los Angeles, CA USA

The new ADU Standard Plan initiative organized by the Mayor’s office, in collaboration with LADBS, is intended to simplify the hurdles of permitting ADUs for Angelinos. The pre-approved standard plans, provided by well-established studios to up and coming design stars, are meant to turn the long permitting process into an over the counter approval.

The creation of additional ADUs could contribute to California’s housing shortage. One of the remaining barriers to the construction of ADUs has been securing the permits to build. Similar to standard plans that already exist for swimming pools and staircases, the ADU Standard Plan Program is meant to remove the permitting hurdle.

City officials have been working on ways to bolster ADU construction. The Backyard homes initiative, spearheaded by the urban design nonprofit LA Más, is also helping low-and middle-income homeowners build affordable ADUs for renting to Section 8 voucher holders.

City of Los Angeles

Amunátegui Valdés
LA Más
First Office

Elizabeth Mahlow, PE